Exodus 17:1–7, with Valerie Bridgeman

The People are Thirsty

Lectionary Date: September 27, 2020 [17th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A]

Is God really among us? In the midst of pandemic, natural disaster, and centuries-deep racial violence, you and your congregation might be asking this question—but you are not the first! This week, Rachel and Tim look back at this same question in the wilderness narrative of Exodus, with guest exegete, Rev. Dr. Valerie Bridgeman. Dr. Bridgeman is a perfect fit for the podcast, because she is an Associate Professor of Homiletics and Hebrew Bible at Methodist Theological School in Ohio, where she is also the Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Her research interests range from Womanist approaches, to prophetic biblical literature, to African-American women preachers, to embodied ritual remembrance… If you’re also interested in more of her work, we’d recommend you check out her contributions to WorkingPreacher.

Exodus 3:1–15, with Debra Mumford

Divine Invitation to Critique

Lectionary Date: August 30, 2020 [13th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A]

This week, Rachel and Tim tackle a rich passage with the help of the podcast’s first professional homiletician, Rev. Dr. Debra Mumford. She is Professor of Homiletics at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Tim’s alma mater). Debra is an ordained American Baptist minister, and has served in several church ministry contexts. Her academic work has centered around the topics of African American prophetic preaching, prosperity preaching, eschatology and the reign of God, and the intersections between preaching and health. And, as of this Summer, Dr. Mumford has been installed as the new Academic Dean at Louisville Seminary! Her latest book, from Judson Press, titled Envisioning the Reign of God: Preaching for Tomorrow, is all about making “eschatology” practical for preachers and congregations.