Lectionary Date: July 22, 2018 [9th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B]
In this, First Reading’s very first episode ever, Rachel and Tim introduce the podcast and delve into King David’s plan to build a temple for God. With help from Dr. Jacob Wright (Emory University) they discuss the historical context of temple building, try to figure out why God is hesitant to let David do it, and offer a few potential angles for preaching this text.
Learn more about Dr. Jacob Wright, and check out his books: David, King of Israel, and Caleb in Biblical Memory and Rebuilding Identity: the Nehemiah Memoir and its Earliest Readers.
The greatest take away from this podcast is the caution given to not make a practice of exegetical pitfalls. In other words don’t take the easy path when unpacking a text but instead unpack it! Also, would have been nice to hear more from Dr Jacob Wright in II Samuel 7