(S)he Laughs
Lectionary Date: June 18, 2023 [3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Year A]
Rosy has some great insights into a mysterious birth announcement.
Lectionary Date: June 18, 2023 [3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Year A]
Rosy has some great insights into a mysterious birth announcement.
Lectionary Date: June 11, 2023 [2nd Sunday after Pentecost, Year A]
Rachel, Rosy, and Tim talk about Abram’s call and Hosea’s sin-sickness.
Lectionary Date: June 4, 2023 [Trinity Sunday, Year A]
Rachel offers some mystical reflections on a familiar text.
Lectionary Date: May 28, 2023 [Day of Pentecost, Year A]
It’s an OT outpouring of the Holy Spirit for this Pentecost text!
Lectionary Date: May 21, 2023 [7th Sunday of Easter, Year A]
It’s Ascension Week! Tim tries to show that Jesus’ ascension was NOT an anticlimax to the Gospel.
Lectionary Date: May 14, 2023 [6th Sunday of Easter, Year A]
This week, we dip into the First Reading archive for a second listen to our episode on this Easter psalm.
Lectionary Date: May 7, 2023 [5th Sunday of Easter, Year A]
Rosy and Paul are joined this week by special guest, Bill Brown. Bill is Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA, and an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA). He is also the author of several books, including Seeing the Psalms: A Theology of Metaphor (2002), God and the Imagination: A Primer to Reading the Psalms in an Age of Pluralism (2001), and Deep Calls to Deep: The Psalms in Dialogue amid Disruption (2021). Those are just some his titles directly on the Psalms, friends! Some of you may remember using his Handbook to Old Testament Exegesis (2017) which has become an OT seminary classroom staple for many of us as students and teachers.
Lectionary Date: April 30, 2023 [4th Sunday of Easter, Year A]
Paul reads the famous psalm through the eyes of his grandmother in Ghana.
Lectionary Date: April 23, 2023 [3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A]
Tim looks at a prayer of thanksgiving with a theme of new life.
Lectionary Date: April 16, 2023 [2nd Sunday of Easter, Year A]
Paul is up this week for some insights into the psalm of the week!