Easter’s Fresh Start
Lectionary Date: April 9, 2023 [Easter Sunday, Year A]
Tim finds the “Easter-y” resonance in an ancient prophetic text—and we welcome our newest co-host, Paul Essah!
Lectionary Date: April 9, 2023 [Easter Sunday, Year A]
Tim finds the “Easter-y” resonance in an ancient prophetic text—and we welcome our newest co-host, Paul Essah!
Lectionary Date: April 2, 2023 [Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A]
It’s a party episode, featuring our newest regular cohost: Paul Essah!
Lectionary Date: March 26, 2023 [5th Sunday in Lent, Year A]
Rosy puts the first reading and gospel reading into conversation.
Lectionary Date: March 19, 2023 [4th Sunday in Lent, Year A]
Rachel takes a risky angle with David’s origin story.
Lectionary Date: March 12, 2023 [3rd Sunday in Lent, Year A]
Rosy listens for Hebrew Bible resonances in a famous Gospel text.
Lectionary Date: March 5, 2023 [2nd Sunday in Lent, Year A]
Rachel perceives an interested intertextuality between Gen 12 and John 3.
Lectionary Date: February 26, 2023 [1st Sunday in Lent, Year A]
Our three hosts are together to chat about a foundational story.
Lectionary Date: February 19, 2023 [Transfiguration Sunday, Year A]
Tim proposes that this isn’t about Jesus’ divinity.
Lectionary Date: February 12, 2023 [6th Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A]
Rosy highlights the message of Moses’s sermon for future audiences looking back.
Lectionary Date: February 5, 2023 [5th Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A]
Rachel dives into the poetry of life in this week’s psalm.